Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Camping

 I am an experienced camper.  My first camping trip was for a whole hour in our back yard, before we decided to go back in the house and sleep.  Then the next day we stayed in the back yard for the whole night.  I got to sleep between mommy and daddy on my own sleeping pad that time.   Then we went to Salmon La Sac.  It was really cold there, and I decided to hibernate most of the night.  Mommy and daddy kept poking me to see if I was alive.  Can't anyone get a decent sleep around here?   The next day, we went for my first hike, up along Cooper River.  We hiked for almost an hour.  Then I got hungry.  This whole camping/hiking thing really builds up the appetite.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Point and Shoot

How does this camera work?  I am trying to take pictures of the little birdies outside, but I can barely see through the camera lens.  And every time I push the button, I get blinded.  What gives?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

I want to be like daddy

I want to be like daddy.  I watch him all the time so that I can learn all the right moves.  Sometimes mommy won't let me copy his daddy-style, like the time I tried to wear my onesie on backwards.  Recently, however, I've discovered a new activity that he and I like to share together.  Am I doing this correctly?  Watch and learn, Zachary, watch and learn.

Friday, August 19, 2011

I am a pirate

Life's pretty good, and why wouldn't it be?  I am a pirate after all.   En garde!  Daddy took my cutlass away after I sliced up the furniture (no hand/eye coordination yet), so you'll just have to imagine that part.  Oh, and the eye patch.  And the Jack Sparrow Deluxe Pirate Hat with Beaded Braids which I so wanted for my birthday (which comes every Sunday).  Unfortunately, my last birthday came and went, and all I got was a new onesie.

Question: Why are pirates pirates?
Answer: Because they arrrrrrrrrr.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


My friend Kathleen made me this critter.  I'm not sure exactly what he is, but he's definitely my new pal.  He likes to horse around, so maybe I'll call him a "horse".  That has a nice ring to it.
Sometimes he teases my about my skinny legs.  I'd better bulk up.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Life is a Beach

Life is a beach, or so I'm told.  I think that daddy told me that.  I got to go to my first beach party today, at Alki Point.  Several older kids were there, all showing off by walking around and stuff.  I don't need to walk around, though.  I brought my own MommyWalker (tm) with me.  I just cry the command, and MommyWalker picks me up and carries me whereever I need to go.  I have a DaddyWalker too, but he's a slightly older model and not as smooth of a ride.  Plus, he doesn't come with on-board drink service.