Saturday, September 15, 2012

Glacier Again

A couple more pictures from Glacier.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Glacier/Waterton Parks

We went to Glacier Park.  I have to admit, it was a little cold, and after a couple nights camping, we decided that hotels were not so bad after all.  The hail did not help matters.  I guess the season really does end after Labor Day.
Mommy bought me a bear bell, so I could ring it and pretend it was dinner time.  No bears came to dinner, though.  We retreated to some of the fine lodges to escape the weather.  We went up to Waterton for a day, where they had some nice long hikes (some were over a mile) and a little town in the middle of the park.  Then we went down to Missoula for a day.  I got to ride on the carousel there.  On our way home, we camped at Potholes in Eastern Washington.
Staying warm at Many Glaciers Lodge

Many Glaciers Lodge

Waterton Park

Playing straw games in Missoula