Friday, July 22, 2011

Yoga Slacker

Much to learn, I still have
 I can contort into crazy positions.  Apparently, that is what "yoga" means.  I think I will be good at this new found skill.  Yoga also means that I get to sleep all the time.  They call that part "meditation" or something, but even with the big long words, I know a good thing when I see it.

Daddy, aka "Diaper Sensei", "Dadzilla"

Mommy, aka "The Momster", "Mama Goddess"

Thursday, July 21, 2011


In the lap of luxury
My aunt Marianne came to visit us and snuggled me for my first two weeks.  I missed her when she left, and so did my parents.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


I learned a new game - it's called tag.  You're it.  Hah, hah, isn't this a fun game!  You're it again!  I love this game.  Now it's your turn.  Try to get me!

Day 1

Hi, my name is Zachary Harold Ohlrich.  Harold is my mother's father's name, and Zachary is my name.  I weigh eight pounds, and I've just turned five.  Five whole minutes! 

I met mommy today, and she looks even better from the outside than she does from the inside.  I'm really psyched.  Life is pretty great.  I've already learned to blink and to grunt.  I have the world in the palm of my hand.  In my hand! (OK, that's not my hand, it's daddy's.  He helps me out sometimes with the heavy lifting).